You can kiss your family good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world, but a world lives in you. ~ Frederick Buechner
You would think by the lack of posts on the Jackson Five Blog that we haven't been doing a thing. And while that is far from the truth, most of what we do lately revolves around our new schedule with a newborn. Which leaves little time for much else. Regardless of that, we did find some time for a lot of Easter fun this season. We had a super fun Flashlight Egg Hunt here in the cul-de-sac with all of our friends. We had another egg hunt at church and spent some time doing some fun spring games and crafts. Lastly, we took the annual picture of all the kids at the gazebo. We really like this tradition because it marks the growth of all the kids and shows how people have come and gone in our lives through out the the addition of Jackie, Stefan, Ava, and Ian to our neighborhood (even though they missed the picture this year) and the absence of the Whites this year. Plus, there were so many new babies to add this year...Drew, Caroline, and baby Max Martineau (who also missed the picture this year). Easter this year really did bring lots of new life to our little world!! Enjoy all the pictures...there are quite a few. Happy Easter!!