A year of firsts and lasts...
365 days and that's what I can come up with???? I've been thinking about this post for weeks now. What will I write? How can I describe a year's worth of emotions and events in to one, succinct blog? I want it to be something monumental...something worthy of publishing on a blog...something that conveys feeling, emotion, and sincerity as I reflect on 2009. And all I could come up with was "A year of firsts and lasts"? Really?? But...that's truly what it is...in every sense of the quote.
It is 2009...the last year of the decade. This decade started with widespread panic about computer glitches and Y2K scams. And here we sit 10 years later thankful it didn't happen to the degree we were scared it could have. In 2009, our family witnessed a lot of firsts and lasts. We had our third baby, but he was our first son. And he has been such a special addition to our family. With a new baby, there seems to be loads of firsts...a first holiday, a first illness (RSV in April), a first trip to Disney World. And, as quickly as it hit me that we were bringing home our first son, it was also our last pregnancy. In Drew's blog I recall a post about knowing this was the last baby and how that feels. Even as I type those words again, the tears sting my eyes. But...the future holds so many fun and bright memories for this family that the stinging only lasts for a minute. We may have experienced our last ultrasound, our last baby kicks, and our last trip to the Women's Center at Northside Hospital, but there will be plenty of birthday parties, family trips and special occasions to be a part of. This was also Kelsey's first year of school. I recall being worried that she would find it hard and not want to go. We worried about separation and how she would do academically. All we had to compare her to was Ally and she's every teacher's dream. But, she has proved us wrong in every worry and has made a place for herself in her class and has succeeded in ways that make us so proud. Ally finished her first year of school in May. We were sad to say goodbye to Mrs. Lussier...Ally and us. But, we were very excited to get Mrs. Anderson for first grade in the fall. Ally has continued to grow in herself as well and she makes us smile with pride each day. Bo completed his first half-marathon on Thanksgiving Day and came in just over 2 hours. We were all so proud of his accomplishment...13.1 miles is quite a daunting task. And finally, for the first time since high school, we are surrounded by family who lives just minutes away and not hours or days away. The Blums were the first ones here, just over a year ago. And Bo's parents joined us earlier this year. We are so fortunate to have all of them with us. We enjoy having everyone together for all the day to day adventures that life sends us on.
As this post closes on the last day of 2009, I have a chance to reflect on the year. It was a good year. It is filled with memories we will all cherish for the rest of our lives. And though most of it is not earth shattering, it's our life; our family, and that's what makes this post monumental and worthy of posting. So long 2009...we're excited to see what firsts and lasts the new decade will bring to us.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Magical Night
We spent one of our evenings off at the Lake Lanier Magical Nights of Lights. It's almost a tradition for us to go every year now. We all seem to really enjoy seeing the lights and going to the carnival at the end of the night. And now that we have 2 of 3 children who are old enough to stay up late and ride the rides, it's quite fun. It's nice to go after the Christmas rush because the traffic is minimal and there's no waiting for any of the rides. We bundled the kids up for a cold night of fun and head out to the lake around 5:30. By the time we got there, the lights were on and we drove right through. We got to the carnival and rode some of the rides. This was the first year Kelsey was big enough to ride the "Scrubbler" with Ally and Daddy. She was so brave and wanted to ride all the big rides. At the end of the night, Mommy took the girls on her favorite carnival ride...the Himalaya. On the way out the gate, we took the annual pony ride and this year no one needed a parent to walk with them. The girls are getting so big...and brave...and independent. There are more pictures at the Shutterfly site, but here are a few of our fun night.
Then A Little Fairy Showed Up
A few days after Christmas, Ally's second top tooth became very loose. She was eating something hard and it was barely attached. After sitting in the bathroom for an hour with Dad, Ally finally got her tooth out. It was already late, so we quickly put it under our pillow and here we are the next day with our payout from the Tooth Fairy.
The Big Man Stops Here!!
Christmas came and went in blur. But all of it was fun. We spent Christmas Eve hanging out with family and going to Church. Jackie had made a Christmas Eve lunch for all of us since I did Thanksgiving and it was very yummy. All the typical foods...ham, turkey, macaroni salad, shrimp cocktail, and sweets galore. After the lunch, we headed to church for the early kid's service where the girls went up on stage and played the hand bells. Everyone looked so nice dressed in their Christmas finest. And, when it was all said and done, we had filled up 2 and half pews with some of our closest family and friends for the real reason we celebrate Christmas. It was so nice to have and see everyone at Church with us. When we got home, we let the girls open their 1 Christmas present from us. Every year we get them each a new Christmas book and write a special message in it to remember the year. And then, when they are older and have their own house and kids, they will already have a full set of Christmas books to read and share with their kids. This year's choices were easy. For Ally we got the "Nutcracker"...because we went to see the Nutcracker this year with the girls and we knew she would enjoy reading the story about it. For Kelsey, we got "Auntie Claus"...a story about Santa's sister, who lives in NYC and travels to the North Pole every year to help Santa get through his busiest season. And Drew was super easy...he got "The First Christmas", because it was his first Christmas and because we want to make sure he always knows why we celebrate it. The plan was to read their stories to them, which was why we gave them their books on Christmas Eve, but it was late and they needed to get to bed. So we saved them for the next day. We put out cookies, carrots and milk for Santa and the reindeer and then they were off to bed. The next morning came quickly. Kelsey was actually the first one we heard, but it was because of her coughing and not for Christmas squeals. When we went in to see her, she finally sat up and asked if it was time to get up. By then, it was 6:45 so we tiptoed in to Ally's room to see if she was awake and she was already sitting up in her bed. They both came out and looked over the catwalk to see if Santa had visited and they were not disappointed...Santa had been there and left a huge stash of big and small presents under the tree. The girls were so excited. We walked in to Drew's room and woke him up...45 minutes early because there was no way either one of his sister's was waiting another 5 minutes to go down stairs. We all headed downstairs together and looked at all the stuff under our tree. Santa had been so good to us this year. he even brought us a new air hockey table that he had built and had sitting in our living room. We spent the next few hours unwrapping and playing with all our new toys. It took Drew a little while to get through all his presents, but he managed. One of the things Santa brought was a HUGE wall map to hang in our playroom. The girls always want to know where people live and where we are traveling to and it's hard for them to understand it unless they can see it. So, with this map, we hope to put a push pin in all the places we visit and all the places that people we know and love, live. But, when we walked in to the playroom to find a spot for the map, a brand new craft table had taken the place of our old one. It was super nice and came with 4 stools that had denim padding on the seats. Each kid had a drawer to put art supplies and it even had a roll of art paper that rolled over the top to draw on. That Santa is so tricky. One of the other favorites was a request from both girls...the Polly Pocket Roller Coaster Resort. And, we have played with it nonstop. Drew's favorite toy was the Little People Airport and we are so glad Santa brought that for him.
After we finished here, we headed over to the Blum's for some more Christmas presents and time with family. The kids played with each other's new toys and had fun giving gifts to each other. We headed home for nap after a lunch filled with yummy leftovers from Christmas Eve. And after nap, we went to see Grandma and Grandpa Jackson, Aunt Jenny and Great Grandpa John. They had gotten a few small things for the girls, but the big present this year was a trip to SeaWorld over spring break. Grandma and Grandpa know that these kiddos have everything they could ever want or need...we are very blessed and try not to take that for granted. So, for the past several years, they have adopted the theme of "Making Memories" instead of spending money on gifts that get old or broken. The past 2 years we've gone to Disney World. But this year, we are headed to see the big whale and all his friends. The girls were very excited to hear the news. Especially Kelsey who remembers being there a few years ago and not being able to ride the bouncy crab ride. So, she is much looking forward to riding all the rides this time. We spent the evening eating more yummy food and watching the movie "The Hangover" and then we headed home. Christmas day was lots of fun and tiring too. We're glad we have the next week off to rest up and play with all our new things.
Enjoy some of the pictures here and head to the Shutterfly site to see the rest.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Bonnie Boot Camp Christmas Party
Every year I do a party here at the house for the kiddos I watch on a regular basis. Today we had snowman cookies for snack, we watched Mickey's classic Christmas movies with Small One, The Christmas Carol and, my personal favorite, the one with Chip and Dale inside Mickey's Christmas tree. After that we opened gifts and played with all our new stuff. This afternoon we'll be coloring Christmas pictures and watching more fun Christmas movies. Enjoy the pics and check out the Shutterfly site for the rest.
Madison...enjoying her present. She wasn't sure she was allowed to open it. Eventually she tore right through that wrapping paper.
Asher...the veteran, tore in to his right away.
Max was super pumped about his ball popper. but, once we turned it on, he was a little scared at all the balls popping all over the place. It was the crowd favorite today...I'm sure he'll grow to love those flying balls!!!
Caroline...loving her new puzzle!!
Drew playing with his magnetic car set.
Kelsey and her Under the Sea puzzle.
Madison...enjoying her present. She wasn't sure she was allowed to open it. Eventually she tore right through that wrapping paper.
Asher...the veteran, tore in to his right away.
Max was super pumped about his ball popper. but, once we turned it on, he was a little scared at all the balls popping all over the place. It was the crowd favorite today...I'm sure he'll grow to love those flying balls!!!
Caroline...loving her new puzzle!!
Drew playing with his magnetic car set.
Kelsey and her Under the Sea puzzle.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
You can always tell the holiday season is upon us when you have 4 parties in one day. Today, Kelsey had her holiday program at pre-school, Ally had her holiday party at school and both girls had Christmas parties at dance class. Four parties in one day will take it out of anyone. But, it was nice to have them and be done with them in one day.
First we headed to Mt. Zion Baptist Preschool for Kelsey's program and party. All of the 4 year old classes got together to sing some Christmas carols and Happy Birthday to Jesus. Then we headed to their rooms for yummy food, a book exchange and a very creative Nativity Scene craft. I'll have to put that idea in the back of my head for future use. It was white wooden building blocks with stickers of the animals, the stable, Joseph, Mary, the Angel, the 3 wise men, and baby Jesus each on their own block. So now, we can use our blocks to make a Nativity set...very crafty!!
We headed out of Mt Zion at 11:00 and went to Ally's school party at 11:15. Since there's not a whole lotta Jesus going on in public schools these days, it was a Gingerbread party. All the kids brought in a different part for the gingerbread houses and then they each made their own using milk cartons, graham crackers, and icing as glue. The house were very cute once they were finished and Ally's is sitting right in our kitchen for everyone to see. Ally had no idea we were coming to the party, so she was very happily surprised to see our smiling faces when we got there. Her favorite part was getting checked out early and coming home with mom. Today they are having Polar Express Day at school...wearing their jammies, drinking hot chocolate, eating popcorn and watching the movie. It's a great way to send them out for the holidays.
The dance parties came and went in a blur. As the room mom for both classes, I had to organize the food and make an appearance at both places...with a baby in tow and Bo out tutoring. Going back and forth between rooms proved difficult with a 23 pound crawler to tend to. Drew was everywhere and in everyone's food. You'd think he was starving, I swear. So, between keeping up with him and helping both girls get food, play games and do a craft, there was no time for pictures. But, rest assured, they had a great time even if you can't see it first hand on film.
Check out some of the pictures below and then be sure to click on the Shutterfly link to see all of the Christmas events and things we have done so far.
Kelsey and Asher getting ready for the program.
First we headed to Mt. Zion Baptist Preschool for Kelsey's program and party. All of the 4 year old classes got together to sing some Christmas carols and Happy Birthday to Jesus. Then we headed to their rooms for yummy food, a book exchange and a very creative Nativity Scene craft. I'll have to put that idea in the back of my head for future use. It was white wooden building blocks with stickers of the animals, the stable, Joseph, Mary, the Angel, the 3 wise men, and baby Jesus each on their own block. So now, we can use our blocks to make a Nativity set...very crafty!!
We headed out of Mt Zion at 11:00 and went to Ally's school party at 11:15. Since there's not a whole lotta Jesus going on in public schools these days, it was a Gingerbread party. All the kids brought in a different part for the gingerbread houses and then they each made their own using milk cartons, graham crackers, and icing as glue. The house were very cute once they were finished and Ally's is sitting right in our kitchen for everyone to see. Ally had no idea we were coming to the party, so she was very happily surprised to see our smiling faces when we got there. Her favorite part was getting checked out early and coming home with mom. Today they are having Polar Express Day at school...wearing their jammies, drinking hot chocolate, eating popcorn and watching the movie. It's a great way to send them out for the holidays.
The dance parties came and went in a blur. As the room mom for both classes, I had to organize the food and make an appearance at both places...with a baby in tow and Bo out tutoring. Going back and forth between rooms proved difficult with a 23 pound crawler to tend to. Drew was everywhere and in everyone's food. You'd think he was starving, I swear. So, between keeping up with him and helping both girls get food, play games and do a craft, there was no time for pictures. But, rest assured, they had a great time even if you can't see it first hand on film.
Check out some of the pictures below and then be sure to click on the Shutterfly link to see all of the Christmas events and things we have done so far.
Kelsey and Asher getting ready for the program.
Kelsey singing with her class. The little red head in front of her is her friend Laney, I think. :)
Kelsey was so glad we were there with her.
Ally was glad we all came to her party too. Mrs. Anderson is such a great teacher. We love her!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
All I Want for Christmas is my Big Girl Teeth!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Holiday Festivities
The Jackson house had a very busy holiday weekend of fun. It started on Friday with a trip to the mall to see the big guy in the red suit. The girls were so excited to see him and we were so excited to see how Drew would react for his first visit. After waiting in line for a short while, we were finally next in line and Kelsey was becoming more and more afraid of sitting on Santa's lap. Even at 4 years old, we have not grasped the concept that Santa is the one who brings us presents on Christmas Eve and that it's ok to sit on his lap. Surely, we thought, if Drew sat on his lap it would help Kelsey to feel better. Drew was the first one up to see Santa. Each of the girls have their own picture with him their first Christmas and we had to keep the tradition alive. And, our little buddy did not disappoint. Drew's amazement of the big guy was picture perfect. And it seemed that Santa enjoyed his first visit with Drew as well.
After Drew's debut with Santa, the girls were supposed to come up and sit with him for a picture before they got involved in lists and toys and wonderment. Unfortunately, Kelsey was having nothing to do with Santa...scared WHITE!!! So, the nice people there gave here a little stool to sit on so she could still be in the picture but not on Santa's lap. And after that was all said and done, Ally proceeded to tell Santa what a good girl she had been and listed several things she and Kelsey wanted for Christmas. Our type A child...so helpful to her sister!!
On Sunday, we took the girls to see the Nutcracker at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center. We have a long time family friend who has a daughter that has danced in this show for years and this is her Senior year. So, for her final performance, she danced the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy. It was so nice to go and see old friends and watch Rachel dance her way around the stage. She was quite the performer and we were so glad to be there to see her. The girls were mesmerized by all the lights and great costumes. Kelsey fell asleep half way through the second act, but she enjoyed the parts she did get to see. It was a wonderful way to kick off our holiday season. We have many more weekends of holiday fun planned before the big man arrives and we are looking forward to all of it!!
After Drew's debut with Santa, the girls were supposed to come up and sit with him for a picture before they got involved in lists and toys and wonderment. Unfortunately, Kelsey was having nothing to do with Santa...scared WHITE!!! So, the nice people there gave here a little stool to sit on so she could still be in the picture but not on Santa's lap. And after that was all said and done, Ally proceeded to tell Santa what a good girl she had been and listed several things she and Kelsey wanted for Christmas. Our type A child...so helpful to her sister!!
On Sunday, we took the girls to see the Nutcracker at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center. We have a long time family friend who has a daughter that has danced in this show for years and this is her Senior year. So, for her final performance, she danced the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy. It was so nice to go and see old friends and watch Rachel dance her way around the stage. She was quite the performer and we were so glad to be there to see her. The girls were mesmerized by all the lights and great costumes. Kelsey fell asleep half way through the second act, but she enjoyed the parts she did get to see. It was a wonderful way to kick off our holiday season. We have many more weekends of holiday fun planned before the big man arrives and we are looking forward to all of it!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Gator Family
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