The Tooth Fairy visited our house for the first time this weekend. While we were eating lunch at Amicalola Falls this weekend, Ally crunched down on her already loose tooth and by the end of nap time, I couldn't believe it was still in her mouth. The tooth had gotten SUBSTANTIALLY looser in just 4 hours and was ready to come out. After some strong convincing, Daddy tried to pull out her tooth using some tissue. I begged him not to use the string until a last resort because I thought that might scare Ally. And after several tries, Ally said she was finished with it. So, I asked her if I could try just once...being the expert first grade teacher and tooth extractor that I am...and she graciously allowed me...SHOCKING!! With a little extra tissue, mommy got right in there, put a little pressure on that tooth and pulled it right out. Daddy did a good job getting it ready :)

After a few screams at the blood, she rinsed out her mouth and smiled for the first time with one less tooth. Ally was so excited that the Tooth Fairy was coming. She placed her tooth in the tooth pillow...a fun creation from mommy's sewing machine, of course...and put it under her pillow for the night. When she woke up on Sunday morning, the Tooth Fairy had left a whole dollar for her pint-sized tooth. I can only imagine what the mark-up is on molars these days!!! Ally is very proud of her new gap!!
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