The first week of first grade is over and Ally made it through with flying colors. She's enjoying her new teacher and her new friends. We have PE with Hannah, so that is a huge plus. Every year Michelle and I send in letters to the school requesting that Ally and Hannah be in different classes...for obvious reasons. We told Ally the reason she and Hannah won't ever be in the same class is because they don't let neighbors be in the same class. The teachers are worried that they would play too much and not do their work because they are friends. So, when Ally came home and told me they had PE together, she said "They must not know we're neighbors yet." Oh...if only she knew. We probably don't have many more years before they really figure it out. She has seen Mrs. Lussier everyday at lunch and that makes her day. Ally really misses her teacher from last year. Her highlight of the day has to be journal time. She has really turned in to a big writer (must be following in Aunt Jackie's footsteps because they sure aren't mine). And she likes it because they get to eat snack while they write in their journal. I think she thinks she is super cool to "do work and snack" at the same time. So, to celebrate the end of the first week, the parents got together at the bus stop to pick up the kids and nailed them with water balloons after they got off the bus. It was much needed relief after a long week for both the parents and the kids. Only 35 more weeks to go!! :)

Uh-oh...what's that in the sky coming at us????

It's a water balloon...a lot of them...but let's just sit here and get pounded. Why would we ever think to actually run and get out of the way?!?!?!
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