For startes, it's always so nice to spend time with them. We haven't seen them since they were here for Thanksgiving and we always pick right back up where we left off. The same old jokes, the same old stories and it never seems to get old. It was a great few days in the cabin with them and we look forward to them swinging through here on their way home.
We got to Blowing Rock a day earlier than we had planned because of some tutoring cancellations for Bo. We woke up Friday morning and the kids were excited to see each other and play outside for a bit. That afternoon we went to the pool at the bottom of the mountain. It had just been redone and now included a walk in entry area for the babies, a splash pad filled with water buckets and sprayers, and a water slide that the kids spent the entire time playing on. The next couple of days we spent doing things we hadn't done there before. We went hiking on a trail on the Blue Ridge Parkway and saw some pretty water falls. The falls we saw were actually used in the film Last of the Mohicans...a movie I'll have to watch now. The dads took the older kiddos for a morning of boating on the lake and had a blast. Niki and I did some shopping and scrapbooking. The boys played golf and cribbage. And we spent time just relaxing and catching up. Our last day there we spent at Tweetsie Railroad...a mountain amusement park with a petting zoo and lots of fun rides. The girls had been there before, but this was Drew's first visit. He loved the train ride and the ski lift. But he smiled biggest at the petting zoo and the baby goat he made friends with. The girls enjoyed the petting zoo, but they are riders at heart...just like mom and dad. They rode everything from the ferris wheel to the tilt-a-whirl, the carousel to the scrambler.
As always we had a great time in the mountains and look forward to the next time we can meet up with the Srigley's at the cabin.