The recital was a huge production, as always, and the girls did a great job with their routines. Ally has always been one to memorize her routine and know it well. This being Kelsey's second year, we hadn't seen that in her until this year. She did such a good job with her routine. And, we were very proud of both girls for their effort and "finishing the race". Below are a few pictures from the recital. This being the last one for awhile, I found it more important to enjoy the show and watching them dance than snapping pictures of the whole routine. So, there are no pictures on the Shutterfly site...these are the only ones. Enjoy!!
Ally and Hannah backstage before the show.
Ally and Hannah cheesing it up for the camera!!
Hayden and Kelsey backstage before the show.
Kelsey's Ballet Dance - God Parted the Red Sea

Ally's Tap Dance
Ally's Ballet - Morning

Kelsey's Tap Dance - Down to the Promised Land
Aunt Jackie and Ava with the girls after the show.

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