Lo and behold, the girls were called to class and they both went in immediately...Kelsey because she was excited, Ally because she knows about school well enough to know to suck it up and go in there when you're called. After 5 minutes, they were both HOOKED!!! Ally came out half way through the session to potty and I asked her how she liked it and the grin that spread across her face reached from ear to ear. When I asked her if she liked this or dance better, dance got a big thumbs down. Hmmm....interesting...for someone who went in kicking and screaming to not be there. What amazed me about Ally was how natural she seemed to be. She was doing back bends and working on the balance beam with kids who had been there for awhile (I know because I chatted with the moms in the parent room) and she was doing as well as they were. She just seemed to "fit". And Kelsey was just as thrilled to be there as well. She had a full class of 4 year olds with her and they walked around a small area of the gym completing different tasks...somersaults, the uneven bars, balance beams, and other things. Kelsey tried it all, fell off a lot of stuff, but got right back up and tried again. Both girls loved the block pit. It's a huge "pool" filled with foam blocks that they could jump in to. The bottom is a trampoline, so it is extra springy for them. The foam looks to be about 5 or 6 feet deep so they have plenty of cushion when they jump from the platform about 5 feet in the air. That doesn't sound too bad, but when you see your little one on a platform so high and then they jump and sink in to oblivion, it's a little unnerving to see the first time.
So, the question becomes...what do we do in the fall...gymnastics or dance??? Bo and I aren't sure the girls should do more than one thing at a time, so it's hard to decide what they would do better at and what they would enjoy more.
Ally, in the black leotard, warming up and stretching.

Ally doing her backbend.

Ally chillin' on the beam.

Ally practicing her walk.

Ally getting on the beam...doesn't she look like she knows what to do????

Ally learning how to do a Cartwheel.

Kelsey warming up and stretching.

Kelsey on the beam.

Kelsey doing a sommersault.

Kelsey on the bars.

Kelsey on the Uneven bars.

Free time on the slide.

Both look like total naturals! See, all of those wrestling sessions with daddy are beginning to show some dividends! It makes me wish we had gotten into stuff like that as little girls.
ReplyDelete*Unsolicited advice here*: Let the girls pick which one they want to do in the fall. After all four gymnastics classes are over, give the excitement of it all to wear off (a couple of weeks), then ask them. They'll have a much more balanced perspective if they're not presently involved in either. And if registration is looming before a decision is made, could you sign up for both then recant the one that is rejected? Just some ideas. Glad they had a good time!