We tried the dining plan for this trip and won't do without it again...it was so convenient and saved us a ton of $$$$. We had lunch with the princesses at the castle. We had dinner with Winnie the Pooh and his friends. We had breakfast and a BBQ with Mickey and all of his friends. Plus, we had a great dinner at a Japanese Hibachi Grill at Epcot. The girls had never been and really enjoyed the "show".
Here are a few memorable moments, pictures and lessons from the trip.
1. Our theme was "I'm just trying not to piss anyone off."

2. I worried about Drew and this long trip, but he was the best behaved out of all of us.

3. Closing down Magic Kingdom with the parade and fire works is, bar none, the best end-of-day feeling in the world.

4. The girls did WAY better than I thought they would with little sleep and long days.

5. Nursing in 90 degree heat is almost impossible. Opt for a bottle if you can...

6. When you ride the River Rapids ride at Animal Kingdom, the 12 foot wall of water comes straight down, not at an angle. However, if your boat moves in to said wall of water, you are in for a drenching!!!

7. Lunch with Cinderella and her friends.
8. Being there for mom's last ride on Tower of Terror. Bo told the Disney Management they had clearance to use mom's picture for any future publications they do for this ride...how genuine is her face?!?!?!
9. Ally's first big roller coaster.
10. Kelsey's favorite big ride.
Loved all of the pictures, and I like your theme for the week. Most days, I feel like that is the theme for my life. Yep, just trying not to piss anyone off. That's hard work! Anyway, I laughed out loud at the picture of Bo's mom on tower of terror for a good three minutes straight. That is hysterical. Glad you had a good time, and I'm glad you are home.