The girls took the stage on Saturday for the annual Dance Recital. Both girls were super cute and did a great job on their dances. Ally...a regular at this by now...was poised and ready to go. She tried her best, did a great job, and we were so proud of how hard she had worked all year to get to this point. Kelsey, however, was a loose cannon. We weren't really sure what to expect out of her because she had never danced on the stage in front of people or with the lights before. But, we were very pleasantly surprised. The lights went on, the music started playing and there was our little girl keeping pace with the rest of the girls doing her thing. We were so excited for her...and a little relieved there was no nose picking, crying, or peeing of the pants. We were so proud of her as well. She's come a long way in just a few months.
The Girls and their teacher, Miss Kristen.

Proud Parents

Ally gettin' her groove on...

A Star is Born

The annual "Curtain Shot"
Such beautiful little ballerinas! Both of them looked darling, but I must say, there is just something about Kelsey on stage. Between the picture of her on stage yesterday, and the pictures of her at your church's Christmas concert a couple of years ago, she is just precious. She always has this whimsical, airy look about her. Gorgeous! And congrats on avoiding all pee-pee-on-the-floor-and-nose-picking disasters! That alone is success. Can't wait to see the video(s), and I'm so sorry I missed it.